Gluten and its relationship with domestic attachakki

What is Gluten?

Glu-ten is derived from “Glue” like property of wet dough. Frequently found in wheat and other grains like Rye and Barley, gluten has two proteins called gluten-in and gliadin, which are exceedingly harmful to an Individual prone to Celiac disease. When wheat flour is mixed with water, the gluten proteins form a sticky network that is glue-like and makes the dough elastic and gives rise to bread. 

In short, gluten is a family of proteins found in products like Wheat, Rye, and Barley.

Facts about Gluten-free food:

Individuals prone to Celiac disease (Common symptoms are digestive discomfort, constipation, tiredness, headache, depression, and weight loss) should avoid Gluten-free food as protein content in Wheat/Rye/Barley causes intestinal problems. In research conducted by NCBI, it was found that 1% of people of the northern part and 0.1% of people of the southern part of India had Celiac disease and were recommended a gluten-free diet.

To the ones who didn’t qualify the Celiac disease test, but had symptoms of celiac disease, were put on a gluten-free diet to be monitored regularly for their health condition and were termed as “Non-celiac” or with “gluten sensitivity.”

Importance of domestic attachakki:

Domestic attachakki is a flour machine used to cereals for all flour purposes. The whole grain flour made domestic atta chakki is packed with proteins, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, which can help control cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and increase energy levels.

For an extensive population, the presence or absence of gluten in your diet is not directly related to your health benefits. What’s important is to have a balanced diet – full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains regularly. A change in lifestyle is paramount than making a shift to gluten-free food without consultation. One such lifestyle change can also be to consider a domestic attachakki to grind fresh flour for all purposes. Choosing products, which are free of circumvent and are conservative and bidding farewell to an enormous amount of bread, pasta, desserts, and cookies can help you get-in-shape in minimal time with long-term benefits.

The minerals, fiber, and nutritional components in whole grains with gluten proteins help maintain an excellent dietary life along with fruits and vegetables on a day-to-day basis. Wheat flour contains the maximum amount of gluten and wheat being a staple grain in India, the wheat flour should be made fresh with domestic atta chakki at home and be used at its peak.

Reduce fat and sugar content from your everyday life and snap to a healthier dietary lifestyle with the inclusion of whole grain flour recipes made with domestic attachakki to get rid of unwanted fat, which will help you get in shape and shed extra kilos expeditiously. Avoiding whole grains without being diagnosed for “celiac disease” or “gluten sensitivity” can lead to heart diseases in the long run as you are dodging a bunch of minerals, fiber, and nutrients required for the body.

The fresh flour made out of domestic atta chakki for home helps improve the lives of senior people at home and delicious dishes made out of fresh flour can get one inclined towards wheat and whole-grain products.

A life-changing Idea for a Whole-grain enthusiast:

Amidst growing popularity and cooking delicacies, choosing the flour for your roti’s, pizza bread, cakes, and desserts are getting tricky with multiple options of refined flour made readily available. Hence having a domestic attachakki to grind your flour for all purposes will keep your “flour” free of any preservatives because the refined flour goes through a refining process, and essential nutrients are shredded during the process. Hence investing in domestic attachakki that is trendy with tremendous benefits to suit your busy lifestyle and modern kitchen is a life-changing idea to stay healthier for a family put-together.

Baking with freshly ground whole grain flour

If you have little kids at home you must definitely be loving to bake some delights for them.  Baking is better with freshly stone grounded whole grain flour both in terms of taste, aroma and nutrition.

Previously, consumption of baked goodies was considered unhealthy owing to higher carbs and calories in them. However this has changed now a days with people opting out of refined flour and sugar and choosing healthier alternatives like, whole wheat flour and jaggery as nutritious and tastier options.   

Now you can choose to freshly stone grind the grains of your choice with Hawos Flour mills right on your own kitchen slab and have an unending supply of healthy and unadulterated flour at your fingertips. Turning baking into a tastier and more importantly, a healthier indulgence

Now since you are aware of the enhanced taste, healthier option and prudence of freshly milled flour, let’s talk about how baking with freshly milled flour performs better than packed or stored flour.

  1. Stored flour get compacted and dense over time, while freshly milled flour is light and fluffy. All what you need is an adjustment in measurements depending on what are you baking. 
  2. With Hawos Flour mill you have the flexibility of adjusting the coarseness of the flour.
  3. One can grind exactly how much is required, for example if one needs 200gm of fresh flour, 200 gm of whole wheat berries can be milled. The weight remains constant while converting the grain to flour, but volume will change. In this way, one can be more informed about the measurements of ingredients accurately. Using fresh ingredient will consequently make baked goods fresh every time and conveniently at that.
  4. Wholesome nutrients in the freshly milled flour help in the proliferation of yeast, which make the fermentation faster.
  5. Freshly stone ground flour absorbs considerably more amount of water, which undoubtedly leads to addition its nutrition value.
  1. When baking a loaf the bread, it will have tighter crumb.

The stone ground method of milling can be used for all of baking needs with different grains. Choosing the particle size of the flour is one more convenience that comes with these mills.   

In a nutshell: Give a treat to your taste buds with delicious home baked cakes, breads and more in a healthify way with stone grinding Hawos Flour mills”.

“Eat Fresh, Live Longer”


Here at the Whole Grains Council, we have long been singing the praises of healthy whole grains, so we’re especially delighted to share new research showing that whole grains may help you live longer!

In this exciting study, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed data from over 110,000 adults. The scientists found that every one-ounce (28g) serving of whole grains was associated with a 5% lower total risk of death, or a 9% lower risk of death from heart disease. Whole grain intake was not significantly associated with cancer mortality. The researchers of this study conclude “these results are in line with recommendations that promote increased whole grain consumption to facilitate disease prevention.”

[Want to more? Check out the blog we wrote a few days later on the Ordway’s Table.]

Since the founding of the Whole Grains Council in 2003, we have been promoting whole grain foods for their numerous health benefits and their delicious, full-bodied flavor. Check out the other health benefits of whole grain consumption here, or browse our whole grain health studies database. 

Wondering how you can get more whole grains in your diet? Look for our Whole Grains Stamp on products at the grocery store, subscribe to our monthly email newsletter, or try one of our many recipes! (Kelly)