You are what you eat! In ancient times it is believed that food to be the creator of life force that sustains our bodies and keeps us in good physical and health. Therefore it is essential for all to make the right food choices for healthy living. Among the three categories of food Raajsik, Taamsik and Saatvik foods, Saatvik is considered to be the most beneficial for our mental and the physical well-being. It makes you feel light, enthusiastic and energetic. It is the one that is pure, clean and wholesome which promotes intelligence, strength and positive thinking. Ultimately positive thinking brings happiness and satisfaction in your life. Food is not only about the nutrients which nourish the body but also about the positive vibes which impact the mind. So, the food we eat is not just going to give us physical health but is playing a very vital role for our mental well-being. As we are conscious about the nutritional properties of food like protein, carbohydrates, calcium and others in our meal, the vibration of food we are eating is nevertheless vital for our emotional health.
Food is not only meant to fill stomach but also meant for soul. People who are conscious about the hygiene, freshness healthfulness and nutrition value of the food will be pleasantly surprised to know that now they can choose to introduce domestic hawos flour mill in their kitchen. These super compact, yet powerful and silent mills serve all your milling requirements with utmost ease. You may mill fresh flour, porridge, gram flour, pulses and spices too. These domestic flour mill not only serve hygienic, wholesome and nutritious food to your family and loved ones, but it also delivers love, care and good vibes.
Home cooked food is considered to be healthy, nutritious, similarly stone ground whole grain flour mill makes your food healthier, nutritious and tastier. Families are not only assured about the quality of ingredients but can also choose various grain size to plan a surprise in the bite. Serve your family love, care freshness and health through your culinary creations and make the bon-homme stronger.
Celebrate your food!!

This balanced diet allows for optimum digestion, absorption, assimilation of nutrients. Most of the traditional foods across all regions follow the above proportions.
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