
Vitality “The pursuit of life”

Today we all are leading a stressful life, being on toes all the time is the foremost requirement of present day.

Amidst this strenuous life, we cannot ignore our health. As we all know “GOOD HEALTH IS THE TRUE WEALTH”. One of the central pillar to a healthy lifestyle is GOOD NUTRITION.

So keeping quality nutrition in mind Green future private limited has come up with its 11 models of Hawos domestic flour mill. The following reasons describe why one should choose Hawos flour stone mills over Local Atta Chakki flour/packed flour

Hygiene: – The main issue we face with local atta chakki is hygiene. Hygiene is our foremost requirement in every aspect when it comes to health, so why not with flour which we consume daily.

Local chakki atta is exposed to free radicals of environment, airborne bacteria etc. Whereas with the automated hawos grain grinders addresses all the hygiene concerns.

Nutrition value: – studies have shown that freshly ground flour provide added nutrition to your diet compared to stored flour. Freshly ground flour has higher level of vitamins and fibers, so you can get all the nutrients to the full potential.

Reduced noise level: – Unique elastic bedding is used in multiple Hawos models is especially designed to reduce the grinding noise.

Compact yet powerful: – as compare to other atta chakki which are bigger in size, Hawos domestic flour mills are super compact in size, aesthetically pleasing while delivering high performance.

Convenience: – One does not need to install these machines every time one want to grind grains. These are the table top, plug and play equipment. There is an auto cleaning brush inside which cleans the residues as it mills. So one need not clean the machine after every use. These German equipment serves with zero maintenance.

Stone grinding:  Rather than steel blades, ceramic corundum stone is used in these machines for grinding. Steel blades heat the flour during the milling process which burns the nutrients while ceramic corundum stone grinding leads to cool grinding which retains the nutrients of grains. All three parts of whole grains – bran, endosperm and germ are retain through stone grinding.

Grinding on scale point: Getting the right particle size for the flour is super easy and at the fingertip. There is no tedious requirement of changing the sieves or plates to get the desired particle size of flour, this can be easily achieved by adjusting the lever to the desired level.


In short a multi-functional machine which fulfills several tasks. Moreover, it enhance the aesthetic value of any kitchen. So, what are you waiting for, choose a model for yourself today.

This is a ‘one time investment for life time health”


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2 thoughts on “Vitality “The pursuit of life”

  1. Jaswinder says:

    Give me the best price

    1. Info GFPL says:

      Hi Sir
      Greenfuturemill Please go through our portal for pricing of all 11 models, placing an order and other amazing and useful products: https://www.greenfuturemill.com/pro…/electric-flour-mills/ or contact us at 09810558695

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