Hawos Mill Heritage

journey of our new Hawos Germany head office construction

On this page we keep you informed about our new building.

Background and construction planning Our new head office with office space, repair facilities, warehouse and underground parking is being built in the Massenheimer Weg in Bad Homburg, only a few hundred meters away from our current location. The planning for the new corporate headquarters has been going on for several years now.After many appointments with the authorities, architects and the general contractor, the third draft was finally approved!

In May 2015, the excavator finally kicked off, but not without encountering some surprises!Before the excavator could start its work on 2,100 square meters of area, a ground survey had to be prepared. These investigations revealed that archaeological findings were suspected. Construction freeze! An archeological team came on site with rakes and brushes and dug in the scorching summer heat.They found historic pieces of pottery from the time of the Romans, which was to be expected by the proximity to the Limes, as well as earth discolourations, which pointed to a settlement during the Celtics (up to 500 BC).

4. September 2015

The excavations are over! To celebrate, the newspaper ‘Taunus Zeitung’ (part of Frankfurter Neue Presse) has published a story on the history of our construction project so far.

The excavation is dredged. Pictured: Architect M. Raufenbarth, builder Ralf Pigge with wife Jutta and sons Sebastian, Johannes, Thomas and grandchild Taylor.
December 2015: The first snow. Winter is coming!
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